Useful Tips for a Successful Home Improvement Project

Spring is here! Like everyone else, we eagerly waited for its warmth and the flurry of exciting activities that comes with it. For the Do-It-Yourself people, this is the opportunity to roll up sleeves and get started on the home improvement/ construction project.

Here are some tips that can help your project be more successful.

  1. Plan Your Project.
    From the start, be clear on the goals and what you want to achieve. Delineate the scope of work. Start off by defining the space, calculate the area to come up with the square footage. Next is to assess the physical condition of the area. Based on this assessment, make a list of the work you intend to do.
    Let’s say the project is basement improvement, check if there are existing drawings. If not, then verify the area by measuring the distances. This process will help you calculate the square footage. Next is to evaluate the condition of the basement.  If it’s an unfinished basement, then definitely there is a lot of work that can be done. The scope of work should be measurable, defined, tangible and it should be within your capabilities to perform. Do not take on more than you can do.
  2. Follow a Budget.
    On any project, the cost is the driving factor of what can actually be executed. Be realistic with the cost. Most people underestimate the cost right from the beginning. Do not lowball your expenditures.
    So what are the costs? Compute for material and labor and add 10-15% for contingency. Other expenses can be: permits, inspections, drawings, interests from financing, deliveries, delays, special items, etc. 
    If you do not follow your own projected budget, then there is an increased risk of an incomplete project.  Avoid the mistake of having to dig deeper into your pocket to finish. Either way, this error is going to hurt your wallet.
    The project is an investment in your property. If done properly, in time, the costs spent for the  improvement should increase the real estate value of the property. 
  3. Timeline.
    How long will it take you from start to end to complete the project? This is another critical factor  towards a successful project. If you are working on the project on your own, then the execution of even a small improvement i.e. floor upgrades, painting a room- can take the very least 2-3 months. Use of custom made or special order items will have an impact on your schedule. The weather also predetermines timelines. If you are doing exterior work, then there is a narrow window of opportunity to work outside. Ideally, exterior work can be done from spring to fall.   If the project requires permits, the permitting process itself, depending on the jurisdiction will have a bearing on the schedules. Avoid delays, any delay will cost not only time but money as well.
  4. Check for Permits.
    Contact your jurisdiction/ city for the requirements on permits. If the work is not permitted, then there is the possibility of penalties. As a homeowner, you cannot declare the improvements done in your house. These improvements will not be legitimate and will not contribute towards increasing the real estate value of your property. The permitting process itself depending on the project can be relatively easy. Major improvements i.e. additions can have more intensive requirements.  
    For most places, there are 2 types of permits- the development permit and the building permit. Development permits involve exterior changes, increase in building area, height or density, parking issues and zoning. The process for development permits can be tedious process. Your project aside from being reviewed by the city/ jurisdiction planners, allows your community and neighbors to have a say on the project.   My best advice- be friendly with your neighbors. You never know what comes out of the woodwork.
    The other type of permit is the building permit. The building permit focuses on building codes, constructability and public safety. The building code is a regulation in place intended to protect the public.  Some examples of the minimum code requirements are indicated in: the dimensions for height of railings, doors, stairs, exits, fire rating, exposure of windows, etc.   Application of permits usually require a set of drawings, preferably professionally drawn and payment of  fees.
  5. Seek Professional help.
    Recognize that there are things that are beyond your capability to do. It might be best to engage a designer to prepare your drawings so that these are done properly and quickly. As to contracting out construction work, the benefit of hiring good contractors is an assurance of the quality of work and a warranty.
    A basic rule for hiring- there should always be a written agreement signed by both parties, owner and contractor. This agreement should clearly spell out the scope of services, the timeline and the fees. 
  6. Be Creative, Have a Vision.
    Close your eyes and visualize what the space is going to be.
    Beyond anything, this image is your motivation. Remember this image while you are trudging along the headaches and troubles.   Imagine walking into this spectacular space, using it and showing it off to your family and friends. This way, when all is said and done, you can congratulate yourself that you have made it through the challenging journey of construction.  
    It will be all worth it in the end.
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